Terms & Conditions
Veterinary referral and/or consent is a compulsory requirement before any animal assessment and treatment; following the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.
Veterinary consent can be gained via the owner or RH Veterinary Physiotherapy. Note: some Veterinary Surgeons may prefer to give verbal consent as opposed to written. Contact us for more details.
Privacy Policy
All client information will be stored safely and securely as a client of RH Veterinary Physiotherapy. This information will be used solely for purposes related to your animal.
Full payment is required on the day of the treatment, either by BACS or cash.
If your insurance policy for your animal covers “Complimentary Treatment” or “Alternative Therapy” then Physiotherapy sessions can be claimed by your insurance provider. If this is something you wish to proceed with, payment must still be received to RH Veterinary Physiotherapy and an invoice will then be provided for you to send to your insurance company.